Some of the many benefits* of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine include:
Acupuncture Works!!
- Increase in overall energy levels
- Sounder sleep and more stable sleep patterns (usually within 2-4 visits or less).
- Decrease in colds, flus and lingering illnesses, throughout the year.
- Savings in money spent on over the counter medications annually.
- Increase in productivity; decrease in lost work and family time due to illness.
- Improved stamina, strength and endurance.
- Greater emotional balance and clearer decision making, contributing to improved relationships, physical well being and professional success and goal attainment.
- Removal of chronic health patterns, including annual colds, seasonal allergies and general aches and pains (Start seeing improvement within one session, on average-ie, you feel better!).
- Injury/trauma healing, including acute and chronic sports injuries, all levels of athlete. Speeds up recovery time significantly!
- Removal or reduction of chronic pain from injuries or auto immune conditions (Start seeing improvement within one session, on average-ie, you begin to feel better!).
- Paradigm shift from one of disease care and management, to one of health investment and vitality.
Acupuncture is also effective in mitigating the challenging aspects of spiritual growth, major life transformations and crises, as well as support for personal goals. In this way, Acupuncture provides Soul support, within the context of Mind-Body-Spirit.
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists dozens of conditions for which Acupuncture has been proven, through research, to be effective. Acupuncture is further recommended as a safe treatment for dozens of additional diseases and conditions, and deemed worth of further research in this area. For a list of these, click here.
*Results often happen very quickly with Acupuncture, and Charles has seen many overnight success stories. At the same time, as with most successes in life, these benefits do not always occur over night, particularly with long-term, deep seated conditions. Healing, in this case, is the result of a long term, sustained effort to cultivate health. And these benefits are in direct proportion to an individual's personal choice to do so. The biggest paradigm shift for most western patients, is one of realizing that a 'fix it' approach is short term thinking, and chasing specific symptoms does not always provide the answers for healing the body. A paradigm shift into addressing health on-going, rather than waiting for 'something to be wrong' in order to address health, creates a strong life foundation. Simply waiting for sickness to show up, creates a deficit-an account which continually loses money, rather than capitalizing on potential. Being proactive is long term planning; building one's health over time is what creates longevity.
Blue Sapphire Medicine wishes you continual good health and happiness! Contact us, with specific questions about how this ancient medicine can help you, in the modern world.
“The sage wears clothes of coarse cloth but carries jewels in his bosom; He knows himself but does not display himself; He loves himself but does not hold himself in high esteem.” -Lao Tzu