We have heard this throughout our lives. Sounds good, right? Do you employ this strategy in your life? If so, in what areas? What does it mean for your health?
Basically, if we prevent a problem from occurring in the first place, it will save a great deal more in time, effort and cost than it would in trying to repair the damage done later because we hadn't paid attention.
For Blue Sapphire Medicine, this means that if you feel something coming on (scratch throat, runny nose, etc), it is far easier to treat this now then wait for a full blown cold or flu to set in.
That’s why we created Sage Throat Spray in a convenient, easy to use one ounce bottle! Help your body help itself, through aiding the immune system; fight off colds/flus, sore throats and allergy attacks. Once these take hold, they are much more difficult and time consuming to address, and lingering symptoms often take months to depart. Our Sage Throat Spray is an all natural, safe and non-habit forming approach to prevent all of this! Do more for yourself than just suppress symptoms (which often means the virus/cold, etc never fully leaves your body!) with synthetic over the counter meds. You deserve better!
Other Sage Throat Spray benefits:
- Prevent loss of productivity and leisure time!
- Save money: No need to accumulate countless over-counter-medications, that sit in your cabinet for years on end! (You know the ones!)
- Protect yourself while traveling on crowded airplanes and at airports
- Support your immune system, when you need to eat 'off your normal diet'; prevent allergies
- Increase your stamina as a public speaker, teacher or singer; Sage is amazing for voice health!
- Recommended for children over age 12 and all adults
So this is Blue Sapphire's tip of the Summer: ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ and an ounce of Sage Throat Spray prevents a pound of “cold”, giving you the opportunity to instead create a pound of health! Order your 1 ounce bottle of preventative and fast acting Sage Throat Spray here!